Assignments and Grades

Grade Components:


Short Research Papers  (3)                  30%*

Graf Summaries                                   15%

Mission Worksheets                             15%

Final Project                                         15%

Professionalism                                    15%

Wooster 101                                        10%

Short Research Papers (3): Three times during the semester, you will write a short (500-700 word) research paper. We will workshop these papers in class both before and after you write them. You will be expected to utilize primary and secondary sources, most of which will be part of our regular course readings. (I will be available for consultation on other appropriate sources.) These papers will be graded for strength and structure of argument, clarity in writing, appropriate use of evidence, and demonstration of familiarity with secondary sources.

Graf Summaries: You will provide short one-sentence summaries of appropriate sections (usually paragraphs) of the texts for this course.

Mission Worksheets: Each week, students will turn in mission worksheets for various missions in the game. Some of these will focus on narrative, others character, others gameplay, and others. 

Final Group Projects: A presentation and paper on some aspect of Red Dead Redemption 2 as a text or cultural phenomenon.

Professionalism: This grade is pretty simple. Turn in every assignment. Turn it in when it’s due. Turn it in in the format requested. Come to class. Come to class on time. Be presentable. Treat others and yourself with respect. Treat email as a professional communication tool. Don’t make excuses. Be interested in learning. Be proactive. Have something to say. Do the reading. Do the writing. Help people. Ask questions. Engage. Be there in mind and spirit. Focus on what others are saying. Pay attention. Have examples. Have points you wish to make. Ask for clarification. Support points (your’s and other’s) with information drawn from the text. Take notes. Bring notes. Bring the reading.

Wooster 101: Each week over twelve weeks, APEX sponsors a sort of College 101 class.  Every student MUST attend at least nine. This will be worth ten points toward your final grade. Any number fewer than nine equals 0 points. Any number over nine is worth an additional 1.5 points.